This postcard was produced by ASTOUNDING GRAPHICS, and they may still be around, I don’t know., phone 626-683-2602. This is card C-15231.

This is kind of an obnoxious idea for a blog. I just want to go through my postcard collection that I started when I was a kid and drop off some random thoughts having to do with the picture on the card and/or where I got it. Fans of serious postcard discussion or nuanced research are given fair warning that apart from giving credit where it’s due, I don’t care, and things are bound to get personal and subjective and (if you really like this image) disturbingly modern.

I got this at a record store somewhere, probably the Penny Lane on the 3rd St. Promenade in Santa Monica, and I think it’s probably in like the top 5 most beautiful photographs of all time. I like it because the girl looks like a girl on the front of an easy listening album. I don’t know why I find these old-time glamour shots so appealing, so much moreso than stuff these days. Even just saying that makes me feel older than your dead great-great-grandpa.

I welcome comments from other human persons. And welcome to postangle.


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