This postcard came from GoCard postcard advertising, circa 2000.
This postcard came from GoCard postcard advertising, circa 2000.

I was a dedicated cigarette smoker for about a decade. I smoked a pack a day (unfiltered for a long while), and had crazy lighters and cigarette holders, fancy ashtrays: I was really good at it. My friend Jonny Outlaw and I quit for Bastille Day, 1997. Then exactly (?) a year later, we were driving across country to move to L.A. and started again. That was dumb. It took me another year or so (and awful threats from my then-future wife) to quit permanently after that.

In L.A. (and probably other major cities) they had these GoCard kiosks, where they’d have a dozen or so designs of postcards, all for free because they were advertising. I grabbed them anytime there was something good, and multiple copies if they were great.

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